Rockwood Management Services
52 Johnson Drive
Chatham, New Jersey 07928-1168 U.S.A.
001-973-635-1970 Phone

info @ rockwood.com


These three categories focus on protecting the people and material assets that make organizations what they are.  The emphasis first and foremost is on the individuals who make organizations work.

Just as people reflect how they take care of themselves, so organizations are impacted by the jobs that they do to help their employees stay happy, healthy, dependable and productive workers.

For more information on security solutions, please click here.

Personal Health Management

Healthcare has gotten more and more complex with the growing number of specialists and providers, not to mention all of the different choices of products, services and solutions.  Knowledge is rapidly outdated and missed communications can easily lead to costly, life threatening errors and omissions.  It is important for everyone to become engaged and get involved in the management of their care.

It is essential to keep records. To the greatest extent possible, it is important for patients to have records of their own that can be used to reconcile information of others.  No one enjoys when faulty memories lead to a he said-she said situation.  Keeping a Personal Health Record helps to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes especially when there are handoffs from one practitioner or provider to another.  This happens in all kinds of situations including when problems occur while traveling, someone retires, goes out of business or is simply on vacation, or there is an emergency and there is no time to contact sources for information.

We help people to plan, implement and use Personal Health Records.  We encourage use of a Lifelong Personal Health Record™ from IDentoMetric Solutions, LLC.



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